These words aren’t what many of us would expect to hear from a new disciple after witnessing a miracle from the LORD, but they’re the exact words of Simon Peter after experiencing Christ’s work first hand. In Luke 5:8, after Jesus filled not one, but two boatloads of fish in the middle of the afternoon (not exactly peak fishing hours), Peter dropped to his knees with humility in the presence of the Lord Jesus.
What caused this reaction was the stark contrast between the greatness of Jesus Christ and the sinful nature of humanity. As I reflect on Simon Peter’s initial response to his encounter with Christ, I’m reminded of the many men and women who have been humbled at the feet of Jesus on the mission field. Individuals of all shapes, sizes, and denominations have been brought to tears with a new-found humility by the works of the LORD.
What then, are we to do with this humility and emotion? Are we to harbor it in order to be sustained until our next mission trip? Are we to wait patiently for the next emotional mountain top? What was Peter’s next step? I probably don’t have to remind you that he left EVERYTHING—his boat, his equipment, the largest payday of his life—all to follow Christ. What do we need to leave behind? Is it our extra spending cash, our free time, our addictions to television, Smartphones, or Social media? What’s holding us back from following Christ?
We know as Christians, while our gifts and talents may differ, we have one very specific calling. We are to create disciples. Don’t wait for the next mission trip to respond to this calling. Our lives should consistently reflect this commission—year round, whether its in our community or in our homes. If you’ve been failing at this cause, it’s not too late. Contact us today to find out how you can become of fishermen of men.