Over the last decade, thousands of individuals have participated in O.F.O.P.’s disaster relief rebuilding projects. Hundreds have sacrificed their time and energy to serve on the construction sites, and countless others have contributed with prayer and financial support. ONE FAMILY ONE PURPOSE homes have been built for survivors of natural disasters in the states of Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas, Tennessee, and Illinois. These projects allow willing individuals to tangibly serve as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. Contact us today to find out how you can be a part of our next project! Click on the home photos below to see more information about some of our past builds.

Kansas house

Solomon, Kansas 

Fairdale and Cameron Illinois - 2015

Fairdale and Cameron Illinois 

Beaver Crossing, Nebraska - 2014

Beaver Crossing, Nebraska 

Little Axe, Oklahoma - 2013

Little Axe, Oklahoma 

Thurman, Iowa - 2012

Thurman, Iowa 

Joplin, Missouri - 2011

Joplin, Missouri 


In addition to our annual rebuilding projects, ONE FAMILY ONE PURPOSE encourages brothers and sisters to serve those in need in their own communities. OFOP volunteers have worked along side other local agencies to serve their community needs.  Short term local projects allow even more people to get involved without the long-term commitment of travel and missed work.



Mexico pictureONE FAMILY ONE PURPOSE has established a partnership with Bruce and Paula Hepburn, missionaries in the impoverished area of Reynosa Mexico. OFOP volunteers have served along side of Bruce and Paula as they’ve built homes, distributed food, and spread the love of Christ to the residents along the canal. We’d like to encourage our brothers and sisters to be a part of this amazing work. Contact us today to see how you can help.