Roy is the co-founder of ONE FAMILY ONE PURPOSE. He is a father of seven, and the husband of the lovely Carla Day. Together they live in rural Blandinsville Illinois where they have owned and operated a cement business since 1991. Roy and Carla love spending their free time on the mission field—whether it’s across nation’s borders, or in their own back yard. Roy hasn’t always been a follower of Christ; he took some very dark roads through his first twenty years of life. After hitting rock bottom, the Lord got a hold of Roy and truly performed a miracle. Today he is an excellent example of the forgiven sinner that Paul speaks about in Romans 5:8. With seven kids and a thriving business, he still finds time to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus whenever and wherever the Spirit leads him. His passion in life is serving those in need, and he persistently encourages others to be still and listen for the whisper of God. He assures Christ followers of God’s faithfulness as he lovingly nudges them to “get out of the boat.”